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Dear Friend,


For over 65 years, the members and staff of First Baptist Church have served the spiritual needs of our community, connecting individuals and families with the life-changing power of God’s Word, and walking beside them on their journey of faith.    We are so excited to share with you how the Lord has been working to expand that ministry through the construction of new facilities for worship, education and fellowship!  


The letters F.B.C are more than the initials of our name, they’re symbolic of our desire to be Faithfully Building for Christ.    Faithfulness defines a 65-year history of integrity to the scriptures, personal sacrifice, and dedication to the great commission.    Building reminds us that the Lord has already provided us with a beautiful property on which to expand, a people who are growing in the Lord, and an ongoing challenge to keep increasing through the spread of the gospel.   Of course, Christ is our ultimate motivation in it all as we share the good news of salvation through faith in Jesus and the life-transforming power that accompanies it.   


Uncountable hours have been given to surveying the needs of the church and community, developing a vision for the project and designing the structures you will see presented here.  Our hope is that this new facility will be greatly used of the Lord in your life, and ask that you prayerfully consider what part you might play in bringing it to reality.



Many Blessings,



Jon Reddick


First Baptist Church of Lewes


Site Plan

The new worship facility will be constructed on the open grass land currently owned by the church adjacent to our present facilities.  This will allow us great continuity in our ministry to the community as well as enable us to use our present facilities throughout the construction phase.  

Floor Plan

With approximately 14,000 square feet of space, the new worship center will provide ample space for fellowship in the large lobby, a dedicated space for making disciples through the use of a book store and lending library that will be open during the week, and updated classroom and nursery space for the next generation.   


A proposed Family Center addition supplements our mission with a well-stocked kitchen and abundant storage to go along with the open floor space for outreach and fellowship events.  

Floor Plan Overlay.png

Click Any Image to Enlarge

Contact us:

Sunday School- 9:00am
Morning Worship- 10:15am
Evening Service-
1st Sunday of Every Month- 6:00pm

Find us: 
1001 Kings Highway
Lewes, DE 19958

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